a muse of arts.


how art thou?

Aloha, My name is J'aime Lynn, I also go by the name, Peace. So nice to meet you here. I began my Event Planning journey after joining Programs Council (also known as ProCon)- the top programming board on my college campus as a freshman at Southern Connecticut State University. I was anxious to see what Programs Council had to offer since I fell in love with the movie, ‘The Wedding Planner’ I always admired the passion and dedication it takes to run an event for the need of others. I began as a representative of the organization and after just a few months I changed my major from Early Childhood Education to Organizational Communications. Although I will always have a love for children, Event Planning was my calling career. My passion is in creating events for women and men of all ages, of all walks of life and gathering together as a community to celebrate life through new experiences.

After a few months, my dedication shined through and I became a member of the executive board, first, the secretary of ProCon and soon after I took on the role as President. The advisory board was very supportive but we were in need of more creative minds and dedicated team members. I managed to assist in leading the organization that began with about 10 members to an awe-inspiring amount of 50+ members. This created momentum and excitement for us all. One of my most prized memories was to have my sister, Nikki join the organization and to work alongside her was an unforgettable experience. Programs Council ran events for the entire university as well as the public eye. We provided programs to enrich student life through a broad range of social, cultural, educational and recreational activities. I was a part of ProCon and its evolving changes during my entire college experience of 4 years at Southern.

My passion is in creating events for women and men of all ages, of all walks of life and gathering together as a community to celebrate life through new experiences.

I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Communications and was inspired to further my education and begin Grad School, but, I didn’t get accepted into the Internship Program at Southern’s sister school, Central Connecticut State University. At first I was unsure of what I would do, I felt a bit of discouragement and after a few months I settled for a job working at Bridgeport Hospital. This was an interesting experience, I was inspired to go to nursing school and become a Psych nurse- but that spark did not last long- and although I was blessed to have the opportunity, I knew this was not for me. A year went by and a good friend of mine and I made our move to California. (I visited California while at a programming conference during college and the moment I landed, I knew I wanted to eventually live here). The timing and synchronicity was perfect and after a few months I made the decision to start a new chapter in my life underneath the Cali palm trees.


During my final days in Connecticut I began writing more in my journal, I wanted to recreate my college experience in a new sense, a spin off of Programs Council- I was brainstorming a few ideas for this new found organization and Colour My Energy came to mind. First, Colour, because the world is a diverse nation, embracing all cultures and identities, filled with the colours of our emotions as well as our Chakras (are dynamic psycho-spiritual energy centers within us that provide valuable keys to unlocking our well-being,). I chose the British origin since I have always been fascinated with the culture as well as the spelling of the word includes U. Colour My Energy is about creating an experience that revolves around every individual, U are the center of attention! Energy came to me, because I’ve been told since a young age, that I had amazing energy, and I would carry this positive energy and share it with all of those I encountered. We are all energy beings and our aura speaks volume!


It is my responsibility to share my gifts with the world. I share with you, The CME Experience, your channel for creative expression. Learn more about the connections between yourself and others, and discover your purpose along the way. When you see yourself, you see crystal clarity and that is when the magic happens. Be the spark, set your soul on fire.

Most importantly, follow your inner child.


I'm here for YOU. Connect with me.

 @wama.jama x @colourmyenergy x @cheerstocharity x @planttastebuds x @wavewithwords 

a muse of arts.